Three pollock trawlers tested Pisces LED lights during the Bering Sea pollock B season. Two vessels completed trawls with and without Pisces to compare the effect of LED lights on their catch. One vessel used Pisces for the entirety of the B season. Pisces lights were attached to the escape tunnel of the trawl nets and set to constant white light. Catch data was collected at the fish processing factory.
Results from the trial show that pollock catch was not affected by the presence of Pisces lights. Excitingly, the average chum salmon catch was lower when Pisces lit up the escape tunnel. However, these results are not statistically significant due to the limited number of vessels involved in the trial.
These initial trials have highlighted the potential of Pisces lights to reduce chum salmon bycatch. However, to build certainty, we need to increase the size and scope of the trials in 2023. Furthermore, the potential of LED Lights to reduce salmon bycatch is a possibility that needs to be explored further. By repeating this trial on a larger scale, the most effective colour and placement of LED lights can be uncovered which results in the most effective bycatch reduction.
At SafetyNet Technologies, we are looking for partners and fishermen to work with us to demonstrate the efficacy of Pisces lights as a bycatch reduction tool.
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