

We are working with international distributors to make Precision Fishing accessible to fisherman around the world. See in the lists below who is providing CatchCam and Pisces in your area. SafetyNet Technologies also ships its technology globally. Find out more in our shop.

Distributors' List - Updated Feb 2024

UK and Europe

Isi-Fish, France 

ISI FISH is a leading provider of equipment to the French fishing industry. They are currently distributing CatchCam and Pisces in France. Visit their website or contact Cyrille Boidillis to find out more.

Marine Ctrl, Norway

Marine Ctrl delivers ground-breaking technology to the fishing sector. They have started distributing CatchCam in Norway in April 2023. 

Antón Sobrino, Spain

Anton is SafetyNet Technologies’ EU Sales Lead and is distributing CatchCam, Pisces and Enki to fishermen in Spain and Portugal. Contact him directly at asobrino@sntech.co.uk

North and South America

Hampidjan, Canada 

Hampidjan are the first distributors of CatchCam Deep. Additionally, they will sell CatchCam and Pisces to fishermen in Canada. Contact David Kelly or visit their website for more information.

Network Innovations (Fusion Marine), United States

Fusion Marine provides custom maritime solutions for electrical, electronics, automation, hardware and connectivity systems, including satellite and cellular airtime. Contact them to enquire about SafetyNet Technologies products in the United States.

Asia and Oceana

Hampidjan, Australia 

Hampidjan are distributors of CatchCam and Pisces to fishermen in Australia. Contact David Kelly or visit their website for more information.

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